Alekseenkova Elena

Main Page ~ Authors ~ Alekseenkova Elena
  • ¹ 1, 2015

    • Chaos and Game without Rules: on Modern Crisis of Trust in Relations Between Russia and the West

      The article attempts to understand the role of trust in international relations, identify obstacles to its formation and analyze the current crisis of trust between Russia and the West and possible ways out of it. According to E.Alekseyenkova’s conclusion, solution to this problem requires a tactics that is exactly the opposite to the one we observe today: opening borders instead of closing them, promoting business contacts instead of introducing trade sanctions, increasing the number of joint projects and dialogue platforms instead of shutting them down, providing at least unbiased information instead of promoting an image of enemy through mass media.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2015-76-1-7-67-81

  • ¹ 1, 2009


      The article attempts to make cognitive analysis of Sicilian mafia as a form of social organization alternative to the state and supported by mechanisms of social integration alternative to state institutions. Interpreting mafia as a special type of the off-system social network that ensures the replacement of institutional confidence, that is for some reason lacking, by personal or particularistic confidence, E.Alekseenkova brings out clearly that the appearance of such social networks in the state of Modern is a mechanism of restoring real power and integration that are based on cognitive reasons, that is the legitimacy of social order. According to the author’s assessment, the social order that is being formed within mafia networks is close to the one typical of the earliest forms of social communities, where the cognitive nature of power legitimates the intervention into private life of community members and thus guarantees its high level of integration.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2009-52-1-22-43

  • ¹ 4, 2008

    • Typology of innovative development models

      The authors examine models of economic modernisation and the types of national innovative systems that ensure such modernisation. Basing on the analysis of the existing innovative systems, the authors distinguish three basic models of innovative development: “Euro-Atlantic”, “East-Asian” and an “alternative” one. The first model is primarily typical of the countries of the Euro-Atlantic region and implies the full innovative cycle – from the inventive conception to the mass production. The innovation cycle of the second type lacks the stage of conceiving the fundamental ideas. Being oriented at exporting high-tech products, such countries usually adopt these technologies from the outer world. Finally, the third model not only skips the stage of fundamental science and applied research, but simply ignores the high-tech component as such. The innovative development of this type comes from redirecting the innovative policy from high-tech to high-hume, which in many cases allows to achieve fast pace of economic growth.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2008-51-4-6-22

      Pages: 6-22

  • ¹ 4, 2006

    • On cognitive nature of power, or how power correlates with democracy

      The work of E.Alexeyenkova won the First contest (2006) for the prize of A.M.Salmin. The article is focused on the study of political power. The author is interested in the very nature of power, and tries to understand it through the analysis of correlations between notions of power, violence and structural violence. In her research E.Alexeyenkova is particularly guided by ideas of Niccolo Machiavelli and other researchers of the Machiavellian tradition. The author studies more thoroughly modifications of the formula of power that were brought about by the age of Modern – first of all, the “social contract” and democracy, and mechanisms of power acquisition.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2006-43-4-6-21