Nechaev Vladimir

Main Page ~ Authors ~ Nechaev Vladimir
  • ¹ 4, 2008

    • Typology of innovative development models

      The authors examine models of economic modernisation and the types of national innovative systems that ensure such modernisation. Basing on the analysis of the existing innovative systems, the authors distinguish three basic models of innovative development: “Euro-Atlantic”, “East-Asian” and an “alternative” one. The first model is primarily typical of the countries of the Euro-Atlantic region and implies the full innovative cycle – from the inventive conception to the mass production. The innovation cycle of the second type lacks the stage of conceiving the fundamental ideas. Being oriented at exporting high-tech products, such countries usually adopt these technologies from the outer world. Finally, the third model not only skips the stage of fundamental science and applied research, but simply ignores the high-tech component as such. The innovative development of this type comes from redirecting the innovative policy from high-tech to high-hume, which in many cases allows to achieve fast pace of economic growth.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2008-51-4-6-22

      Pages: 6-22

  • ¹ 4, 2006

    • Main tendencies in the institutional organization of local self-government in today’s Russia.

      The article is an attempt to reveal main tendencies in the development of principles of local self-government organization. The author makes a comparative analysis of two editions of the law on local self-government (1995 and 2003). The study of relevant changes is placed in a wider historical context of the development of local self-government institutions in the post-soviet period. The article notes that innovations in local self-government in 1990s did not lead to a greater efficiency of governing. Despite the fact that centralized control over municipalities from «above» was lowered during that period, no efficient system of democratic control emerged from «below». From that point of view, according to the author, initiatives of federal government on latent rejection of the public autonomic concept of local self-government and its integration in a unified system of public government seem to be more logical.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2006-43-4-22-44

  • ¹ 3, 2001

    • Innovations and Traditions in the Reform of Local Self-Government in Post-Soviet Russia

      The author identifies the stages of the post-soviet municipal reform and the factors, which hindered the democratization and autonomization of local self-government in Russia. The article gives a comparative analysis of the models of local self-government used lately. Besides, each model is illustrated by the examples of specific regions (Ryazan, Kursk and Voronezh regions, the republic of Tatarstan). A big attention is paid to the roles of the regions in the reform of local self-government and the choice of its model. The author mentions the fact that at the regional level, the civic society structures are not involved in the reform (at least after 1994), and studies the influence of the principles of the executive vertical on local self-governments.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2001-21-3-5-28

      Pages: 5-28

  • ¹ 1, 1999