Sakwa Richard

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  • № 4, 2004

    • Political culture: possibilities of and difficulties in applying the concept to the analysis of the processes of accelerated changes

      A well-known English political scientist focuses his analysis on the contemporary Russia transgressing the period of transition. To consider the possible variants of its further development the author applies a political and cultural approach. In this connection he analyzes a broad range of views of foreign and Russian authors whose concepts are to some extent linked to these issues. R.Sakwa turns to historical data and focuses particularly on what impact had the four periods of redistribution of power and property on Russia. Along with the Gorbatchev’s period, the author singles out the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible, reforms of Peter I and the Bolsheviks revolution.

      R.Sakwa believes it not possible for a country to copy directly other countries’ political institutions and practice. To determine a reasonable balance between national traditions of political culture and necessary adaptation to the new reality, between authoritarian and democratic tendencies becomes a central line of the article.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2004-35-4-41-68

      Pages: 41-68