Savchenko Anatoly

Main Page ~ Authors ~ Savchenko Anatoly
  • ¹ 3, 2014

    • Russian Province: From PERESTROIKA To…

      On the basis of the sociological material collected during two expeditions to the southern cities of the Far East, the author investigates the current state of the Russian province in the light of the transformations initiated by perestroika. The analysis conducted by A.Savchenko shows that one of the main trends in the Russian province is spatial fragmentation. In small towns, as opposed to large ones, transition processes have not been completed. At the same time, these processes can hardly be called controlled; rather, they result from adaptation to the destruction of the Soviet economic and social structures. The scope of this destruction leaves the province with little chance to overcome decline on its own.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2014-74-3-110-125

  • ¹ 3, 2011