Sheinis Victor

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  • № 1, 2003

    • The seven-th congress of the Russian deputies: political drama in five acts.

      The author focuses on the VII-th congress of the people’s deputies of Russia. The congress took place in December 1992 and holds a special place in recent history due to its political heat and the consequences of the decisions made. It is worthwhile to mention that V. Sheinis is a direct witness and active participant of the events, which took place at the congress. In the article he gives his opinion of the protagonists who represented different political camps analyzing the obvious mistakes of the presidential side and its lost opportunities. The author believes that from the historical point of view the VII-th congress was a defeat for all – for the president and his supporters, for the opposition and for the society.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2003-28-1-121-140

      Pages: 121-140

  • № 4, 2000

    • Modern Parliamentarism: Evolution Stages

      The starting point of the new Russian parliamentarism is the election of 1990, the first Congress of the People’s Deputies of the RSFSR. At the first stage (1990-1993) the Congress took over unlimited constitutional powers but lack of stable majority and loose political structure restricted its influence on the course of events. At the second stage (1994-1999) the new Constitution narrowed the powers of the Parliament. In spite of a rather structured political system and the opposition majority (relative, and sometimes absolute) it always lost battles with the President. The Parliament and parliamentarism were discredited in the public opinion. At the beginning of the third stage (2000-...) the country received the Duma manipulated by the Kremlin and politically weakened Council of Federation. Proposals on the amendments to the Constitution and changes in. the electoral system may undermine the role of the Parliament, not very strong as it is.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2000-18-4-50-66

      Pages: 50-66