Strada Vittorio

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  • № 3, 1999

    • Historic Succession, Totalitarism, Modernization

      The grasp of power by Bolsheviks in Russia, fascists in Italy and national socialists in Germany marked a brake in historic succession in the European and international development and the emergence of an unprecedented reality. This brake in Russia was deeper and of a greater scale than those in Italy and Germany and it had lasted for a much longer period – the lifetime of three generations. Nationalism in Italy and Germany seems to have been less harmful for cultural regional and civic traditions than internationalism and Soviet "patriotism" that has falsified the historic past of the Russian people. That is why it is especially difficult to restore the historic succession in Russia. "The Russian" (post-Soviet) means of implementing democracy cannot ignore the fact that the latter with all its national peculiarities has to correspond to the universal criteria. The Russia of the future has to be national both within its own multi-ethnical and multi-cultural community and within a still more complicated European and international community.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-1999-13-3-81-87

      Pages: 81-87