Tomiltseva Daria

Main Page ~ Authors ~ Tomiltseva Daria
  • № 4, 2016

    • Historical and Political Responsibility: Overlap of their Problematique

      Some perceive notions of historical and political responsibility as synonyms, while others interpret them as independent concepts. As a consequence, there are numerous speculations on this matter that only further clouds thinking. The article explores under what conditions historic responsibility functions as political responsibility, when their problematique overlaps, and reveals how both types of responsibility depend on the identification of the subject of responsibility. On the example of the phenomenon of political forgiveness the author demonstrates that the idea of a homogeneous collective subject is mistaken and that historical responsibility, embodied in the various practices of political responsibility, can be addressed both to the past and the future.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2016-83-4-25-35

  • № 4, 2013

    • Peacemaking as Peace Reproduction: Theoretical Opportunities for Rethinking

      The article investigates theoretical opportunities for rethinking the process of peacemaking as peace reproduction. Having analyzed in details the concepts of negative and positive peace, D.Tomiltseva considers conditions for overcoming the logic of “current situation” that makes conflict close on itself, as well as common ethical foundations of peaceful interaction. The author pays particular attention in the article to the problem of determining actors involved in the peace reproduction, and its influence on the development of specific peacemaking strategies and tactics.

      DOI: 10.30570/2078-5089-2013-71-4-36-48